Barney Bunny

Barney was the second mascot for Pinball Pizza Theatre and was a short purple rabbit with a white collar on and black spots all over his body.

Barney Bunny was the only member of Phenomenal 8 Ball Band who despised anything magical. Despite this, he and Woof Wolfe are the bestest of friends and were often seen together in promotional art. He is often confused with Barnaby due to having a similar name.

Barney lived on Stage Right on a field and was always the first one to speak in nearly all showtapes to provide announcements to the audience. At the end of each announcement he would have banter with Woof Wolfe about how much he hated magic. The curtains on stage right would close and he would appear in a hat on stage left alongside Woof. He was the second animatronic to be designed according to CEO of HBTech Engineering, Huck Jones. He was originally going to be the band's antagonist but that ended up being scrapped and he is currently a member of the band.

His animatronic on stage right is currently at a storage unit alongside Woof Wolfe, Jynx Lynx and Barnaby Barrd. It is in terrible condition and does not function at all. The Barney animatronic on stage left has last been seen in 1990 in rotting conditions as a mascot for a now defunct supermarket.